Brighthelmstone Lodge 8042

The First Banquet

from the Brighthelmstone Deacon December 04

When Jerusalem's Great Temple was completed, long ago, the labour of the masons was rewarded, for its' costliness and splendour caused a stir, as we all know and many were the compliments accorded.

The King himself was present, as history relates, accompanied by a stately retinue; trumpets blared, and cymbals clashed as they passed through the gates and Solomon's Temple was, at last, on view.

Were the masons who were present merely members of the Craft or were all degrees of masonry represented? There must have been some present to read the plan or draft and Overseers to check the work presented as well as Fellows of the Craft and Apprentices - brand new - There must have been Mark Masons at the site with materials from the quarries ( paid their wages that were due!)

Marking well that every stone was right. But later, when the builders were, at long last, all alone and the Very Important Persons had departed, did, perhaps, the masons have a little party of their own: Was this how the first Masonic Banquet started? What, we wonder, was its nature? Was there, perhaps, some fire? Did Solomon come back to join the throng?

Did they toast him - and the architect - and Hiram, King of Tyre, and laud their Master`s praises with a song?
We should like to think they did, that they banished every care and that everything they had was of the best, that the vittles were superb, the wine beyond compare and that every mason present brought a guest.

For, of all the pleasing customs that Masonry affords - and there are very many which we treasure - perhaps the company of friends, at both work and Festive Boards, is the one which gives us all the greatest pleasure!

So with that example shining like a beacon burning bright may we enjoy each meeting - long may reign the companionship which prospers among brethren on Lodge Night.

Happy meet! and happy part, Happy to meet again!

by Ken Brown

courtesy of Masonic Forum of Light

The Ken Brown Collection

**A little bit about our Ken**

Tempus Fugit

The Healing Balm of Consolation

The Brighthelmstone Deacon 30 Years

Our Guests

Ted Mitten

Pause for Reflection


The First Banquet

The Preceptors

Deck of Cards